Evidence of Ancient Aliens and UFOs in History

ImageGiant Cover-Up: Smithsonian Hiding Evidence Of

Nephilim/Giants? | Conspiracy Theories


Undeniable Evidence Aliens Do Not Come From Other Galaxies

Extraterrestrial Species

Popular culture has programmed most of us to think of one thing when we imagine alien encounters.  Generally, we imagine the classic “Grey” type of alien.  Grey or white skin, triangular head, large black eyes, a tiny mouth, and spindly body.  These are the aliens of  “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”, “Fire in the Sky”, “Communion”, and the recent “The Fourth Kind”.

Alien Beings from the movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”

However, many researches for varying reasons have come to believe that there are multiple, maybe even multitudes, of species or races of Extra-Terrestrials.

Below, I’ve listed a few of the more popular or commonly agreed upon species.  Keep in mind that some claim there are many more.  In the vastness of the Universe, I would imagine that likely there are.

(the descriptions below are not to be taken as the only interpretation of they types of Extraterrestrials or their nature.  This is a composite look at the most common viewpoints from those who research these beings, and is in no way definitive.)

The Greys

As discussed above, the Greys are the foremost in our minds when we think of aliens.  They’ve become the stuff of cinematic legend, and sleepless nights.  Greys (also referred to by some as Zeta Reticulans) are believed to be the culprits behind the abduction phenomenon, which has earned them their nefarious reputation.

Considered to have little to no “human” emotion, the Greys are depicted as cold and callous researchers, conducting experiments on humans with no regard for comfort or compassion.  They seem to work as a single cohesive unit with a “group mind” which is controlled by a Master grey.  Their concern is the continuation of their own species, which some say is genetically damaged.

Learn More about the Greys :



The conversation about Reptilians can lead us deep down a rabbit hole if we aren’t careful.  It is important to note that this is one of those races that nearly all researchers claims to exist, but many disagree about the basics.  Who are they? Where are they from? What is their mission?  I’ll do my best.

There are reportedly many subcategories to the Race that is Reptilian.  One of the most talked about are the Draconians or Dracos, who come from the Alpha Draconis star system.  Well, perhaps I should amend that.  They’ve formed colonies on Alpha Draconis, but lay claim to planet Earth. Some believe this is actually their home planet, while others say that they seeded this planet and see us as their biological property.  Either way, they perceive humans as vastly inferior.  They are an old, if not the oldest race.  They are cunning and wise.

The mythos about Reptilians becomes somewhat more complicated.  Many believe that Reptilians possess shape-shifting abilities.  Further, some maintain that these Reptilians have been secretly running our world right under our noses.  That is to say, these beings have disguised themselves as humans and live among us as our leaders, our royalty, our Presidents, our media, our business people…. they have positioned themselves in all stations of power and maintain control of our populous as they bide their time to show their true form and lay formal claim to this planet.

From the 1983 movie “V” which featured Reptilian beings disguised as humans.

And then there is the belief that the Reptilians never left.  Some say that they are “alien” only in that they are not human, but that they share the Earth with us in underground civilizations, hidden away from human notice.  These beings were forced underground, and our Governments are aware of their existence; tenuously nurturing the delicate balance that exists.

A few sources and varying viewpoints on Reptilians:







Another type of Reptilian being.  The Agharti System of Central  Asia, according to Hindi legends, links to ‘Snakeworld’, a multi-leveled cavern system under the southwestern slopes of the Himalayans, which is the home of the Nagas.

Nagas are also referred to as the Targzissians. According to Sumerian Mythology, ENKI mated with ID, a female Nagas, producing MARDUK.

More on the Nagas:




Also known as Tau Cetians.  This race is human, and often are depicted as Mediterranean or South American looking.   They have slightly pointed ears, highe physical ‘density’ for their size, slightly broad nose, 5′ 5″ tall on average, and often wear short ‘Roman’ or ‘crew’ style haircuts.

Artist’s rendering of Tau Cetians

They are apparently quite benevolent to Earth humans,  as we have a common adversary in the Greys and Reptilians.






Whether or not the Anunnaki are a race of extraterrestrials, or if it is simply the name assigned to strangegod-like visitors by the people of ancient Sumer, the fact is that the term Anunnaki is one of the most recognizable “names” given to otherworldly beings, and therefore belongs on this list.

The Anunnaki were the deities of Sumerians, Akkadians, and Babylonians.  We find in the Enuma Elish (Babylonian Creation Story),  Marduk divides the Anunnaki and assigns them to their proper stations, three hundred in heaven, three hundred on the earth.

It is interesting to note that the Sumerians referred to these deities as though they were physical beings of flesh and blood.  They were “gods” who walked among them.  They called them “Those who from Heaven to Earth came.”

With stories like this it is little wonder that researchers have in many cases concluded that the Anunnaki must have been aliens.  That perhaps these were the very same aliens who would help build the pyramids of Egypt and the Temples of the Maya and the monuments on Easter Island… essentially, that they started with Sumer, the cradle of civilization, and kick started human advancement.

Some say the Anunnaki were reptilian in appearance, while others say they were humanoid with fair skin.  They feature quite prominently in some myths about 2012.  Some believe that the Anunnaki originated on the planet Nibiru (often called Planet X, and referred to as the 12th planet by Zecharia Sitchin).  In 2012, it is believed by many that this Planet will intersect with Earth bringing the Anunnaki once again close enough to make contact.  Still others say Planet X is destined to collide with Earth.  We’ll see.

More on the Anunnaki:





This group has grabbed the fancy of many UFO enthusiasts, as well as many involved in the New Age movement.

The Pleiadians are from a star system called Pleiades. This star system is a small cluster of seven stars located in the Constellation of Taurus the Bull.  This star cluster is often referred to as the Seven Sisters.  It is said that the ancestors of the Pleiadians, the Lyrans, are believed to have fled their home of Lyra and settled in the Pleiades.

The breathtaking Pleiades Star Cluster as captured by Hubble

The seven stars (or Sisters) are:

  • Taygeta
  • Maya
  • Coela
  • Atlas
  • Merope
  • Electra
  • Alcoyne

They are said to be humanoid (we often see them referred to as Nordics, for their tall stature, fair skin, and light features) and are very interested in Earth Humans.   They chronicle our evolution and wish for us to evolve into much more benevolent people with a deeper connection to our planet and our higher selves.

Some say the Pleiadians lived along side humans on Earth for many years, helping to advance the people.  They were working closely with the people of Lemuria (think Atlantis in the Pacific Ocean), Maya, Inca and a civilization at Machu Picchu.

The New Age component of the Pleiadian fascination tends to see them as our “Space Brothers and Sisters” who are lovers of peace and bringers of knowledge.  People try to channel these beings and many say that they’ve succeeded.   Some even claim to be of the Pleiadian bloodline, referring to themselves as “Starseeds”.

When discussing the Pleiadians, it is important to note that they were introduced to mainstream knowledge by contactee Billy Meier (learn more about Meier in our Interview with his U.S. Rep Micheal Horn).  Meier called them Plejaran, and said they came from the planet Erra, which is in another dimension mere seconds ahead of our own.

Billy Meier painting featuring Meier and his Pleiadian/Plejaran visitor called Semjase.

Below are links to sites that feature heavily in the Pleiadian mythos:






Now as I stated at the outset, this list is not meant to be taken as definitive.  It certainly is not based on any insider knowledge that I have.  This is merely my little encyclopedia of a few of the ET names that I see prominently featured in many UFO circles.

It is interesting to note that former Sergeant in the U.S. Army, Clifford Stone, says that there are 57 species of alien life forms that he personally was tasked with cataloging.   You can read his story here:  Top secret Testimony Clifford Stone.. or take a look at the video below.


Nephilim: Origin of Genetic Evil, the Nephilim. NEPHILIM (FULL) DOCUMENTARY – Journey into the world of Fallen Angels, Satan, Shadow People, Aliens, Demons, Anunnaki, Archons, Ancient Giants, “Ancient Aliens” & Genetic Hybrids.Nephilim: Origin of Genetic Evil takes a deep look at human genetics, elongated skulls, “Nephilim Skulls” ancient giants, “Nephilim giants” giant skulls (fragments) and Neanderthal skulls (genetically) — all this in an EASY walk through of precise Hebrew, Babylonian – Sumerian, Egyptian & Book of Enoch accounts of Nephilim / Annunaki, Ancient Alien / Demons, Fallen Angels, and even the father of all lies — Satan… From the depths of the underworld & Lucifer (Luciferian) occult of Hell’s gates…. to the ancient pages of Biblical revelation and prophecy… to the very words of prophecy from the lips of Jesus Christ Himself…


The Truth About The Nephilim


The Truth About The Nephilim

Were the Nephilim really the offspring of Sons Of God and the Daughters Of Man? Dr. Rita Louise explores parallel myths about the gods and provides new insights into this ongoing debate.

Bestselling author and Medical Intuitive, Dr. Rita Louise is the host of Just Energy Radio and and the Founder of the Institute Of Applied Energetics. She is the author of the books Man-Made: The Chronicles Of Our Extraterrestrial Gods, Avoiding The Cosmic 2X4, Dark Angels: An Insider’s Guide To Ghosts, Spirits & Attached Entitiesand The Power Within as well as hundreds of articles that have been published worldwide. She has appeared on radio and television and has spoken at conferences covering topics such as health and healing, ghosts, intuition, ancient mysteries and the paranormal.

Some of the very large skeletons are replica examples of what the very huge skeletons might look like…The 47″ thigh bone is real which proves giants did walk the earth…
One correction, the National Geographic story apparently never aired, so I apologize for that image being in this video…
Links for you to find out more about “Giants” listed below:Huge footprint in granite rock… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRuxw-…
Steve Quayle on “Coast to Coast am” with George Noory

“GIANT” Skeletons Discovered…2013

 Huge giants have walked the earth for thousands of years…The information is out there…Hundreds of Newspapers have reported on Giants that have walked the earth that are 10 feet, 12 feet, even up to 36 feet tall…

UFO, UFOs, sighting, sightings, alien, aliens, ET, Nasa, March, 2013, Marsaxlokk, polution, Delimara, power station, chimney, Justin Bieber, news,








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